Insight Timer
You Are Worthy Of Love: Healing From Trauma | Insight Timer
No matter how many times we tell ourselves, “I am worthy of love,” the trauma of rejection and abandonment speaks much louder. Trauma tells us that nobody could possibly love us, even when we're already with a loving, supportive, and committed partner. Trauma tells us that ALL relationships end in hurt. It makes us do “crazy” things like question acts of love, make up stories in our head about how we’ll get hurt, and wait every minute of every day for things to finally fall apart. Just so we can end the discomfort of not knowing and say, “See! I knew I’d get hurt.” If this sounds like you: This is NOT your fault and you are not broken. You may observe yourself repeatedly sabotaging relationships and pushing away the ones you love; but no matter how much intellectual awareness you have, your body always wins. Your body remembers the trauma and your nervous system reacts before you even have a moment to think about responding in a different way. This is what your survival system believes it needs to do to keep you alive, even when there’s no real threat in your relationship. None of this is a reflection of your character. This is trauma ruling your life and ability to love. In this course, you’ll learn the basic neurophysiology of how trauma gets stored in your body, how to rewire your nervous system, and what it’ll take to create healthy relationship patterns in a way that lasts. The information and movement-based experiences provided in this course will bring you a new level of clarity and relief, even if you’ve already been on a healing journey for years. Note: This course is not suitable for anyone trying to repair toxic or abusive relationships. The content is primarily designed for people who are in or want to be in healthy relationships.
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