Insight Timer
Healing Abandonment Wounds In The Body
Do you fear abandonment no matter how much your partner reassures you that they’re not leaving? Do you wish to feel settled and truly enjoy your relationships without worrying that it won’t last?
You might’ve done a lot of therapy, affirmations, or mediations to try to release this fear. Your mind has all the insight and self-talk tools, but your body still reacts with anxiety. As a result, your body feels tense & rigid, and you may act in ways that push your partner away.
If you’re currently feeling stuck and hopeless about how to move forward, please know that this is not your fault.
Most people try to heal their abandonment wounds with cognitive techniques such as traditional therapy, journaling, and other mind-based strategies. Words and thoughts are often not enough to truly shift abandonment fears. The latest trauma research shows that the most effective way to heal abandonment trauma is through an embodied, somatic approach.
Movement is where true change begins. If you truly want to heal the trauma that feeds your abandonment wounds, then you must engage your body in a process that allows your entire physical being to feel secure in all types of relationships and interactions.
In this course, you’ll be introduced to this movement-based process and start to feel some of the embodied shifts that are necessary to truly heal abandonment wounds.