Insight Timer
Matt Mueller | Insight Timer
Matt Mueller is a believer that every person has the ability to create massive impactful change. But fear and today's social construct dampen the courage of many, leaving great ideas never heard. Matt questioned today’s methods and looked for inspiration from our ancestors. How did we innovate before there was a book about it? With a little bit of curiosity Matt discovered the keys to become a leader in Innovation. With expertise in facilitation, strategy and insights Matt brings the ideas of others to life in a big way. Whether its advocating change for a complex corporation or not-for-profit organization, with some thoughtful planning, ideas can break through!
Matt wants to share his knowledge of change and developing innovation with you to show you that we have over complicated the process. If we just took a step back, analyze what is really in front us and simplified our approach we are on the cusp of making meaningful change. All that is left is to breath and be courageous!