Insight Timer
Daily Pulse (Expanded Edition): A Morning Ritual For Peace, Calm & Happiness | Insight Timer
It takes 21-days to change a habit, and peace and calm is our intention in this course. You will experience a daily ritual that will slowly and surely build a habit of lasting happiness. This 21-day course is based on the profound beauty of the Tao. The Tao loosely translated means your path or your life’s journey and is experienced by all. The Tao is the heartbeat of nature, the essential rhythm of being, and the fundamental pulse of our world. In this expanded edition of the Daily Pulse, you will immerse yourself in the light expansion of natural energy and give yourself a focal point for tranquility. You will also understand the dark collapse of energy, and be given simple steps to release yourself from this unhappiness. Within the Tao, there are eight natural energies called trigrams, and these combine together to form the yin/yang or tai chi. Just like the yin/yang symbol, where the light is balanced by the dark and the dark is balanced by the light, the Tao is about perfect balance. Light energy leads us to happiness. Dark energy gives us opportunities for personal growth and choices which lead to peace and calm. The Daily Pulse (Expanded Edition) is a wonderful blend of teaching, meditative experience, and journaling. Let's walk the path to peace, calm, and happiness together.
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